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» Listings for October 2014

  1. Hi everyone, here is fabulous Hallowe'en and Autumn themed project for you - fabric pumpkins!

    You will need: orange fabric 8inch x 16 inch, brown for the stork, 3 inch by 4 inch, stuffing, cord or jute string, hot glue gun & a needle with a big eye.

    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (1)

    Step 1: fold the fabric in half and sew the short edge. With a running stitch gather the bottom edge, pull up tight and fasten off, do the same with the top, fill with stuffing.
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (2)
    Step 2: take the string ( use it double if you want to), start at the top and go through the middle, out at the bottom and then back in at the top ( so the string shows on the outside of the pumpkin, repeat this 6 times, making sure the 'segments' are equally spaced.
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (3)
    Step 3: take the fabric for the stork, fold in half and sew then turn right side out, stuff and sew the bottom edge. And then with a hot glue gun (you can sew if you'd rather) stick the stork in the top of the pumpkin. You can always make different sizes, have a look at the ones below, I even made one using hologram fabric!
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (4)
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (5)
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (6)