Fabric Flower May Project of the month

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Fabric flower project!

You will need: 3 inch square fabric pieces (or larger if you would like to make your flower bigger). Felt, a safety pin and 1 button, you may need a hot glue gun depending on how you would like to finish your item.


fabric flower free project diva crafts (1) 

Step 1: Take a square and fold it in half, and then turn the corners in to the middle to create a triangle, and the sew along the botton edge.

fabric flower free project diva crafts (2) 

Step 2: repeat step 1, 7 more times so you have 8 triangles in total. You can leave them attached for quickness and then separate them afterwards.

fabric flower free project diva crafts (3) 

Step 3: Take a contrasting colour and repeat step 1 using just 5 pieces of fabric.

fabric flower free project diva crafts (4)

Step 4: Using a strong cotton or double thread, sew a running stitch along the bottom of the triangles to join them all up, pull the thread to gather up and create petals, making sure that they all face the same way with the fold at the front. Secure the end of the thread. Do this for both parts of the flower, and then cut a circle of felt.

fabric flower free project diva crafts (5)

Step 5: Either sew or glue gun your petal circles onto the circle of felt (I used a glue gun for quickness). I then sewed a button onto the middle of the flower, you can attach the safety pin or a brooch back to the felt circle too (see picture).

fabric flower free project diva crafts (7)

fabric flower free project diva crafts (8)


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  1. Sue McCormack

    Love these going to have a go at making some. Thank you for sharing.

    Posted on

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